About this website

Here can be found meta-information about the website: initial ideas and concept development, resources used to build its features, roadmap for wished implementations.

Why creating this website

Some reasons are already presented at random in the main "About" page, ...


How I'm building this website

This website aims to be as open-source ("FLOSS" Free/LibreOpenSourceSoftware) as possible, its source code can be found here[add-link-when-published] and its content is released under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 International[add-link] license, meaning it's free to share-reuse-remix without commercial purpose as long as proper credits are given to the authors of the source material (code, text, images etc...) -me included, please, as a lot here will be personal stuff I share in this corner of the Web.

Fundamental resource has been the italian website and community of LeAlternative. This is a project aimed at disseminating beginner-level open-source and privacy-friendly alternatives to proprietary software while also raising awareness on the ethics of electronics. Along with insightful resources on these topics (such as PrivacyGuides, EticaDigitale and The512KBClub LINKS!!!), thanks to them I've discovered the Neocities platform, which propted me to finally experiment into building my own basic website.

Other resources used can be found below:

What I'd like this website to have (next)

Basically the roadmap for features I'd like to improve and/or to implement in the future. Some require but a little digital gardening from time to time while others are just out of reach of my current skills (so I either learn how to do it myself or ask for help).

Here they are, sparse and annotated mostly, but the idea is the first ones have priority: